GPA Logistics provides world-class logistics expertise along with personalized, detailed, service to importers, wholesalers, and e-retailers who value partnering with their logistics providers. We bring creative solutions to the table and maximize efficiency in the product supply chain. By leveraging GPA’s management expertise and experience, you can even the playing field and give your company the ability to compete with your larger competitors in providing first class service to your customers.
By leasing modern, Class A buildings in the logistics hub of the Inland Empire just outside of Los Angeles, we take advantage of the facilities’ ceiling height, ESFR sprinkler systems, yard space, and access to major highways to store goods densely (reducing your monthly storage expenses and your insurance costs), turn goods rapidly (satisfying your customers and boosting your cash flow) and track your inventory accurately (eliminating stock outs).
Our Warehouse Management System (WMS) is extremely robust, able to track many thousands of SKU’s and drill down to multiple levels (Style, P.O, color, size, pack, eaches, etc.) and track inventory by piece, pack, carton, pallets, cubic ft. weight, etc. You have full, real time, visibility to all transactions and a multitude of reports to choose from on the customer online portal.
If your company is in growth mode, we’ll grow with you. We grow where our customers need us to, and we expand our distribution and warehousing services alongside you. We take the hassle out of logistics and allow you to concentrate on growing your business.